From Chaos to Control: Transforming Your Day with Time Management.

Carl Pullein
8 min readJun 19, 2024


Do you find yourself conflicted between attending meetings and doing your work? Do you struggle to find time for the things you want to spend time on when the demands of your job leave you exhausted and fit only to crash on the sofa at the end of the day?

Well, there is now a book on time management that will change your perspective on time and help you live the life you want.

Your Time, Your Way, Time Well Managed! Life Well Lived! is the result of a three-year journey that began with the idea of putting everything I have learned about better managing time together so you have enough of it to spend with your loved ones, enjoy the hobbies you have always wanted to participate in, and so much more without feeling drained, overwhelmed, and rushed.

The seductive trap of planning.

The book is a manual for taking control of your time and making the things you want to do happen without stress or overwhelm. It gives you a complete roadmap for making time work for you instead of working against you. But more on the contents shortly.

From a productivity perspective, when you begin a project like writing a book, there is one critical starting point: getting started. What often happens, and why so few people do any of their personal projects or achieve goals, is that too much time is wasted in the thinking and planning stage.

There’s a comfort in dreaming and thinking about landscaping your garden (backyard). That dreaming can be very seductive. It allows you to believe you are doing something about your project — ‘I’m doing the planning’ — yet nothing is happening. Your garden is not getting landscaped.

This book was two years in the planning stage (I am not immune to being seduced by the dream). I even told people, “I’m currently writing a book.” That was a lie. I wasn’t “writing” anything. I was dreaming of writing a book. I was stuck in the planning stage.

To get yourself out of that delusion — as that is what too much planning is — you need to start doing something. Every project has a beginning. That could be visiting the local hardware store to purchase the tools you will need or, in my case, writing a book and writing the introduction (this gives me a mini-outline of what I want to write about). Do that first step.

The next critical part of any project, whether professional or personal, is to decide how much time you are willing to give it each week. You are unlikely to be able to estimate how long a big project will take accurately. There are too many unknowns; if you involve other people, there will inevitably be delays.

The only thing you have control over is your time. You don’t control other people’s time — even if you are a boss. So, how much time are you willing to or can you give to the project each week?

Once you know how much time you can give the project each week, schedule it.

Personal projects can be worked on in the evening and at weekends, while professional ones can be done during work hours.

One thing you will eventually learn about time management is that hoping you will find the time to do something is not a good strategy. It never works. If you want time to work on something, you need to protect it, whether going out for a family walk in the evenings, washing your car, or writing a letter to your aunt in New Zealand.

Time management works when you are intentional about it. In other words, you must protect time for the things you want to do.

Know what you want time for.

When the early version of Your Time, Your Way was sent to a select group of readers, many commented that it took over fifty pages to discuss time. That was intentional.

Too often, books on productivity and time management are about showing you how to squeeze in more and more. That is not the purpose of this book. Not only is that approach unsustainable, it’s also unhealthy. Instead, I encourage you to start by thinking about your life. What do you want out of your life? What is important to you?

While we share eight areas — family and relationships, career/business, finances, health and fitness, self-development, lifestyle and life experiences, spirituality, and life’s purpose — how we define these are different for each of us. That means what we want out of these areas will also be different.

The order of priority will also be different. As we go through life, our priorities will change. When you are young, career/business and perhaps lifestyle and life experiences will be high on your list. As you age, health and finances may creep up towards the top. Again, we will all be different here.

Knowing what is important to you is the foundation of a well-lived life. It also shows you how to use your limited time resource best so you spend more of it doing what you want.

It was tempting to begin the book with lists of tips and tricks for managing time, but I knew that would not help you in the long term. This quick-fix approach soon leads to slipping back into old habits.

When you begin by identifying what is important to you, you give yourself a self-generating motive for getting out of bed with enthusiasm, and it naturally gives you a purpose each day. You spend much of your day on the things you know are important to you.

But more than that, knowing your areas of focus and what they mean to you gives you clarity that helps you make decisions. If you have identified your family and friends as being important to you and you work in a company that expects you to work late and at weekends, you may wish to consider looking for an alternative job. That could mean you need to change companies or perhaps your career.

Not identifying what is important to you will likely leave you stuck in a job or career that leaves you feeling deflated, unhappy and trapped. Showing you how to do more in less time will not help you in that situation. All it will do is leave you feeling more unhappy, trapped and lost.

Collect, organise, then do.

Your Time, Your Way takes you through COD’s critical time management techniques (Collect, Organise and Do) and the Time Sector System. It explains how to choose the right UCT (Universal Collection Tool) for you and how to plan your week and day using the Planning Matrix.

Yet, more than that, it also shows you how to develop a morning routine that will set you up for the day and give you some time for yourself — something often lost when we begin a career and a family and are trying to juggle getting kids ready for school, with ensuring you have saved the presentation file you need today to your OneDrive account.

I’ve also included a chapter on managing your email. Many people struggle to stay on top of emails and other messages. It can be a never-ending struggle. Yet, the process I teach you in the book will give you a framework you can adopt to ensure you are never behind with your communications. You will begin to enjoy communicating through email and other messaging services.

Avoiding common pitfalls

One of the chapters many of the pre-readers say they enjoyed most was the chapter on common pitfalls. This chapter lists the most common issues you will face as you develop your system and shows you how to avoid them or, if they are already embedded, how to get out of them so you unblock any problems quickly and effectively.

This chapter draws on my experience working with people from all walks of life and multiple jobs, from senior executives to stay-at-home parents, all of whom face different challenges and some common ones.

Ultimately, it will always come back to time.

No matter how much you have to do, you still only have twenty-four hours each day. Understanding what you want time for will give you a massive advantage over your peers.

It gives you a framework on which to create a structure that safeguards time for the things you want time for — not just in your personal life — which often gets sacrificed by our work life — but also for the critical things in your professional life, such as career development, having enough time each day to deal with communications, and your all-important core work — the work you were employed to do.

Time management laws.

While writing this book, I quickly learned that many productivity best practices are not just best practices but laws. To write a book, you need to write. Wasting time trying out different writing tools does not write a book. The only way to write a book is to write. That’s the same for anything you want to do. To landscape your garden, you must get outside, dig, build, and plant.

To do that, you will need to protect time. That means blocking out time on your calendar dedicated to doing the work.

And the best law of all is that it will always take you longer to do than you imagine. I expected this book to take around twelve to eighteen months. It took nearly forty. I laugh at myself now for being so optimistic. But now that the book is available, I can honestly say the journey has been incredible. It was frustrating at times, yes, but that was always going to be part of the journey.

Enjoy the journey.

Whatever you want to do, please enjoy the journey. Find the time, protect it and just start. You will discover things about yourself you never knew. You’ll learn patience, how to deal with setbacks and frustration and, more importantly, how to overcome those setbacks. Each project, whether writing a book, landscaping your backyard or building a career, will teach you things that you can take into your next endeavour and give you skills and know-how for the next time you embark on a journey.

Get the book.

You can buy Your Time, Your Way: Time Well Managed. Life Well Lived here. Take it with you on your summer holiday, and come back refreshed, motivated, and ready to tackle anything.

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Carl Pullein
Carl Pullein

Written by Carl Pullein

I help people learn to manage their lives and time better so they can experience joy and build a life they are truly proud of.

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