Life’s Become Too Easy, And We’ve Forgotten How To Be Disciplined.

This week, I’m going to get brutally honest.

Carl Pullein
5 min readJun 8, 2022

I get countless questions on how to manage procrastination, and I have spent a long time looking at what procrastination is and diving deep into why we procrastinate and what can we do about it.

Usually, I am diplomatic when answering these questions. I don’t intend to upset anybody, and I want to encourage them. But that approach doesn’t work in the long term — it doesn’t address the underlying problem. Sometimes, the painful truth has to be dished out.

One thing you learn about procrastination when you study it, is that it is the near opposite of self-discipline — being distracted by something instead of doing what we should do. The opposite of which (discipline) is not allowing ourselves to be distracted and doing what we know we should do.

We don’t do what we should do because we don’t have the discipline to do what we should do.

Self-discipline is like a muscle; if you do not exercise it regularly, it will weaken. Our lifestyles of ease and convenience have only exasperated the problem. We watch another episode of the TV series simply because we do not have to move. Autoplay on our streaming…



Carl Pullein

I help people learn to manage their lives and time better so they can experience joy and build a life they are truly proud of.