Optimising The Remote Work Environment For Better Productivity: What To Do.
Study reports of productivity in remote work are all over the internet. According to The New York Times, some studies link remote work with productivity declines of 8–14%. Others show remote work increases productivity by 13% to 24%. You’re probably thinking, what affects remote work productivity levels? The answer is a combination of many aspects that begin at the workplace. For example, when you work in an environment with poor lighting, you’ll experience headaches and eyestrain. What happens? Your focus and motivation reduce, affecting productivity. But if the workspace is comfortable, your output levels will be high. With this in mind, it’s crucial to optimise your work environment in a way that helps you work without falling off the productivity wagon. The challenge for many employees lies in optimising the remote work environment for better productivity. The purpose of this article is to educate remote workers how they can optimise their home offices. Read on.
This is a guest post by the wonderful Lucy Rose. Thank you, Lucy, for writing this for me.
Carve Out A Designated Workspace
Working from home means you have freedom to work from the bed, couch, or dining room. Unfortunately, these spots in your house don’t encourage productivity. Imagine kids playing, loved ones chatting, and the television on. You’ll be distracted. What you should do instead is design a dedicated workspace for work activities only. Your workspace could be in a spare room, a quiet alcove, or one corner in the living room. One thing about creating a peaceful, organised environment, with some personal touch (photos, diary, or favourite flowers) is that it instills a sense of calm, clearing your mind to handle both analytical and creative tasks. Also, setting up a designated workspace helps you to develop a remote work-minded routine that supports a healthy work-life balance.
Invest In Home Office Ergonomics
Too often, people assume ‘ergonomics’ is all about cushioned chairs or having wrist rests for keyboards. But ergonomics is more about improving productivity, efficiency, and health. For instance, an adjustable office chair, with lumbar support, adjustable height, and armrests will prevent strain on your back and neck. These features make adjustable chairs ideal for anyone who spends all day in front of a computer. Because they will feel comfortable and capable of paying more attention to the work at hand.
Another thing when optimising a productive workspace, don’t choose just any desk. Consider a sit/stand desk to enhance comfort and your work output levels. With a sit/stand desk, you’ll have the flexibility to alternate between standing and sitting while working. This can help lower the chances of having cardiovascular problems, muscle degeneration, and other health risks linked to prolonged sitting. Besides furniture, maintain optimal lighting to prevent eyestrain and headaches that affect focus and creativity. You could set your office somewhere with natural light or install task lights that allow you to adjust the ambiance to your comfort.
Be Mindful Of Airflow, Temperature, And Sound
Did you know air quality, room temperature, and sound have significant implications on productivity? An overly stuffed, hot, and noisy environment will make you feel lethargic and distracted. You’ll also struggle with health issues like headaches and fatigue, which make you lose focus and become sluggish. So, when creating a remote workspace prioritise ventilation. Be sure to open windows to allow fresh air circulation, which is vital for keeping you alert and energetic. Having a small air purifier in the workspace can also help eliminate pollutants. How about noise? How do you create a suitable acoustic environment in your remote workspace? The key to creating a serene workspace is implementing practical noise reduction techniques, like installing soundproofing materials. If you’re soundproofing a room for the first time, you’ll be confused about what to use to reduce noise. But, all you need to make your office quieter and perfect for improving attention and speech intelligibility are acoustic panels or acoustic blankets.
Incorporate Tech Tools That Boost Productivity
It’s possible to work from home using a smartphone or tablet. But wouldn’t you work more efficiently with a desktop or laptop with a 4k or higher resolution monitor and fast processing speed? Of course. Several studies also indicate having a dual or multiple monitor set-up can boost productivity. Something else you can’t overlook when optimising your work environment for productivity is communication with team members. Communication accessories like high-quality noise-cancelling headphones, a microphone, and a webcam are must-haves. Video conferencing software, messaging apps, and project management tools are also vital in supporting communication between co-workers, customers, and business partners. By prioritising effective communication, you and your team will collaborate efficiently and maintain high levels of productivity. Note, many organisations provide these technologies to their remote workers. Others may offer a stipend so employees can decide which tools are necessary for their remote work.
Working from home or remotely means you have zero need to commute to and from the office. As an employee, you can dedicate the extra hours to complete projects. However, the work environment may hinder your efficiency if it’s not optimised for remote work. To maximise your remote workspace, create a designated space within your house for work only. Next, furnish it with an ergonomic desk and chair. You’ll also need tech tools required for your specific job, optimal lighting, and good air quality. Equally important, make your workspace noise-free by incorporating soundproofing materials.
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