Productivity 101: The Benefits Of A Daily Reading List.

Carl Pullein
4 min readSep 13, 2023

Do you have enough time to read all the interesting articles, newsletters and books you want to read? You are not alone.

Accumulating reading material is easy; the difficulty is finding the time to read it all. Technology is making it easier than ever to collect this stuff, and there are apps that will happily collect it together for you so you have a single place to go to read your articles and newsletters; yet, the real issue is not being addressed, finding the time to read it all.

The British government has a system that has been around for hundreds of years. At the end of the day, each government minister is given a red box containing all the documents and articles their officials feel they need to read.

Depending on the minister’s department, this could be a single box or several each day.

Even King Charles gets his daily box.

While this means a government minister always takes work home with them, at least they have a system for staying on top of their reading materials. Given how the British media works, it would be a foolish minister who did not spend time reading these documents.



Carl Pullein

I help people learn to manage their lives and time better so they can experience joy and build a life they are truly proud of.